About Us

Purpose: - To solve all the problems of the people, country and the world at once. To ensure the unity of the people and to protect their interests. Developing the people and the country through systematic business planning as well as achieving potential goals. To build a stable and strong system, which solves the problems for thousands of years. In other words, to make a big change in the people and the country or say to change the time. To solve the world's big problems like hunger, passport, visa, war and terrorism etc. through World Madad Ghar.

What is possible from Madad Ghar.(Help House)

  1. The tasks given below can be easily accomplished through a systematic business plan. The country can also progress.
  2. Millions of people can easily do business at the same time in the Madad Ghar. About 20 crore jobs can be generated. Unemployment and economic problems can be a permanent solution.
  3. Pension and other facilities can also be arranged for some people.
  4. People can be saved from being robbed and duped.
  5. Counterfeit and adulterated goods can be banned.
  6. The problems of laborers, farmers, workers can be solved and their exploitation can be stopped.
  7. Formation of civil society and people of good nature can be brought in it and they can be strengthened.
  8. The obstacles of the wheel of economic progress can be removed and the government and government machinery can help in turning it.
  9. There can be a permanent solution to the problems of environment and polythene.
  10. Natural education system, new medical system, social justice system, construction of new houses, flexible population control laws and real democracy can be brought.
  11. Protective system can be brought in place of police among the public. Crime can end
  12. The problems of private teachers, cab drivers and workers of other unorganized sectors can be resolved.
  13. The problems of soldiers, para-soldiers, police, government teachers, government and non-government officers and employees can be solved.
  14. The problems of administrative officers and employees, doctors, etc. can be resolved.
  15. There can be a permanent solution to the problems of common citizens, shopkeepers, entrepreneurs and businessmen.
  16. Positive energy can be expanded.
  17. Problems of rich, poor, women, children, men, middle-aged, elderly etc. can be solved.
  18. Social problems like dowry system, caste, class, religion, negative jealousy etc. can be solved.
  19. Mutual brotherhood and love can expand.
  20. By maintaining the natural environment, real development can take place.
  21. The problems of prostitutes and prostitution can be solved.
  22. 10 lakh soldiers can be made in the help house, so that there is no threat to the internal security of the country in future.
  23. All the problems of the country can be solved with the help of one system.
  24. The country can be made the largest economy of the world.
  25. The people of the country and the world can be made the most powerful when they come to the platform of the world help house.
  26. The country and the world can be made beautiful and heaven.
  27. A safer and better country can be passed on to the coming generations.
  28. The above objectives can be accomplished through economic, moral, social and political revolutions hidden in the plan.
  29. World Help Home can permanently end all the problems of the people of the world in future.
  30. Big problems of the world like hunger, war, terrorism etc. can be solved.
  31. The dangers coming in the future can be dealt with and the world can be saved from ending.